Parity monitoring in Argentina's 2023 Elections

Elections 2023


CANDIDATES is a project to monitor the political participation of women and transvestites and trans people in the Argentine electoral process in 2023.

DataGender – Data Observatory with a Gender Perspective, the Frederich Ebert Argentina Foundation, Equal Eye and Letter p We come together to account for the political participation of women and transvestites and trans people in the Argentine electoral process of 2023. In this project we build databases, create visualizations and generate press coverage from a gender perspective.

Throughout the work we monitor:

    1. The current gender situation in relation to the National Congress, governorates, provincial legislatures and mayors of the entire country.
    2. The candidatures by gender to the National Congress, governorates, provincial legislatures and mayors of the entire country (2023-2027).
    3. The electoral results by gender of the National Congress, governorates, provincial legislatures and mayors of the entire country (2023-2027).


What is new about this project? The creation and availability of data at such a comprehensive level and the incorporation of a qualitative study with information on the candidates of transvestites, trans femininities and trans masculinities to the analysis.

In this section you will find access to press coverage and databases.

Soon we will be publishing new visualizations with the results. We thank Meedan for their support to carry out the visualizations and this website to disseminate the results of our research.


Percentage of female participation in elective positions by level of government (2019-2023).


Percentage of female national legislators by province and Chamber (2021-2023).


Percentage of female candidates for governor by province and political party. Period 2023-2027.


Percentage of female candidates for mayor by province and political party. Period 2023-2027.