Ivana Feldfeber

Executive director

Ivana Feldfeber is a specialist in Data Science with a gender perspective. She is co-founder and executive director of the first Gender Data Observatory in Latin America, “DataGénero”. She was a fellow at the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Policy (CAIDP) for the analysis of AI public policies in Latin America. Ivana has a diploma in Data Science, Machine Learning and its Applications from the University of Córdoba, Argentina. With DataGénero, she worked with various governments and companies to build inclusive data processes, train teams, write recommendations, and help decision makers develop better data policies.

Mailen Garcia


I have a degree in Sociology (UNMDP) and a Master's degree in Human Rights and Democratization in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNSAM). I currently work as a researcher specializing in social statistics with a gender perspective (Ministry of Treasury and Finance of the province of Buenos Aires) and academic coordinator of the Specialization in Public Policies and Gender Perspective (IFPyGP-GCBA).

Yasmín Belén Quiroga

Director of Institutional Development Coordinator of the Judicial Power Area

I am a Lawyer (UBA), I completed my postgraduate studies on Gender and Law (UBA), and on Gender Perspective and Bioethics (U. Champagnat). I am secretary and data analyst of the Criminal Contravention and Misdemeanor Court 10 of the City of Buenos Aires (@jpcyf10). In addition, I am a tutor for the mandatory training “Ley Micaela” for the Judiciary of CABA. I took several courses on data, which linked to my specialization in gender resulted in several publications on open justice and data science, and the opening of data with a gender perspective in the Judiciary.

Carolina Glasserman Apicella

Coordinator of the Legislative Power Area

I have a degree in Political Science (UBA) and a master's degree in Gender, Society and Politics (FLACSO). I work in Federal Articulation in the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, accompanying and technically advising municipal projects. I am also an advisor to a national representative and a Human Rights teacher in the course where I studied.

Carla Albertina Neumark

Data Analyst

I have a degree in sociology (UBA) and a Master's candidate in Aesthetics and Art Theory (UNLP). I work on various projects as a data analyst for DG.

Sofia Garcia

Feminist data design and visualization

I have a degree in Marketing with courses with a gender perspective from the University of Guadalajara, ITESO in Mexico. I am in charge of the design from the perspective of DataGénero feminism.

Lena Sofia Frattini

Data Analyst

I have a degree in Sociology (UBA) and a student of Audiovisual Arts (UNA), I took several courses linked to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, focusing on the ethical aspect of its use. I currently work in an organization that is dedicated to teaching Artificial Intelligence and I participate as a Data Analyst at DataGenero.

In short, we seek to contribute to gender equality through data because we want a fairer world for everyone.

We are a space that seeks to build a sustainable and inclusive data future from and for our region. We seek to observe and monitor the various data practices that directly affect the lives of women and LGBTI+ people in Latin America, advising those people, governments and organizations that work with and based on data, and I hear themwe offer audits, training, talks and intervention projects tailored to the needs of each space.

We offer talks, courses and workshops