Translation into Latin American Spanish of the book Data Feminism

Presentation of the translation at Casa Brandon (Buenos Aires)
Presentation of the translation at the University of Buenos Aires

This feminist and activist translation work was led by DataGénero, Data Observatory with a Gender Perspective. We especially thank Catherine D' Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein for their trust in the project. It was a collective and activist work carried out from a decolonial feminist perspective. The book is digitally accessible and free, and has not yet been published in print.

Coordination and editing: Mailen Garcia

Translators: Gina Ballaben, Sofía García and Ivana Feldfeber

Collaborators: Helena Suárez Val, Diana Duarte Salinas, Lucía Peyrano, Florencia Aguilar, Giselle Arena, Ana Amelia Letelier and Patricia Michelle Garcia Iruegas.

You can find the book in this link:


Presentation of the translation at Casa Brandon (Buenos Aires)

Presentation of the translation in the University of Buenos Aires